Coast to Coast, Goodwill’s Got Your Ghost

As Goodwill Industries of Greater New York and Northern New Jersey, we usually focus on our local happenings – but Halloween has brought out the best, most creative posts from Goodwills around the country and we just have to share ’em with you. Here are some stellar DIY costume ideas from our fellow Goodwills, from Missouri to Arkansas to Southern Piedmont to the OC. Enjoy!:


Orange County shows its dark side with a whole Flickr album of spooky decor.

Goodwill of Orange County’s Halloween Flickr set might just give you the heeby jeebies. From old wizard masks to full-length Adams Family attire, these photos show off the best your local Goodwill has to offer. And don’t forget the bright orange plastic pumpkin spread for your Halloween soiree!

A Halloween costume for every hour of the eve - Goodwill Arkansas has more creativity than you can shake a headless horseman at!

Why think up just one show-stopping costume when you could come up with a dozen? Goodwill Arkansas has a slew of ideas that’ll wow even the most jaded ghosts.


Guest writer & Southern Piedmont Goodwill shopper Amanda Aileen Fisher shares her killer costume ideas. From Crazy Cat Lady to Day of the Dead Doll, this girl has got her Goodwill savvy down pat. Take a look, get inspired, and scare the bejeezus out of everyone this Halloween.

Cross your fingers and, along with this geek chic get-up, you might even find a pencil protector at your local Goodwill!

MERS Goodwill in Missouri celebrates the dweeb this Halloween season, and, with a quick stop into your local store, so can you. If you just can’t find enough tape to fix your glasses, MERS Goodwill also suggests you throw your suspenders to the wind and go as Cher. Do you believe in life after love?

So steal these great ideas, stop in to your local New York and Northern New Jersey Goodwill, and make Sonny proud. After all, as far as your DIY Halloween costume goes, we got you, babe. Happy Halloween!


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