Disheveled-Chic: Handling Holidays with Fashion & Wrinkles

Holidays got you frazzled? GoodwillNyNj Style Icon David Morgan understands. Some days you just have to embrace the chaos – and, with the right attitude, you can transform frantic frenzy into fabulous fashion. Join David,  embrace the disarray, and create a cheeky, mussed-up style full of wrinkles and winks:

The Olsen twins made granny hobo chic; today, I'm taking the disheveled look by storm.

2011 is almost here, which means that now is a perfect time to start thinking of New Year’s Resolutions. My first one – get organized. I must admit that I am a little (a.k.a “a lot”) messy. My clothes are all over the place, mixed with papers and books strewn all over the floor. It really looks like a tornado struck my room but, truth be told, I’m in a particularly hectic time in my life right now, so it is a bit warranted. Still, next year I promise it’ll be different (don’t we all?) – and you can expect to see the whole lot of my no-longer-neededs at your local Goodwill

Until then, there are many days where my clothes, having spent days under other clothes, are wrinkled and, in my perpetual state of hurried-ness, there’s nothing I can do about it. I put them on and am out the door, wrinkles and all. Today was one of those days. Of course, being the fashion-lover that I am, I’ll simply call it disheveled-chic, a conscious style decision 😉

Everything is thrifted or found, and these are all some of my favorite pieces (when they’re ironed, of course). The jacket is a bit too Janet Jackson-“Rhythm Nation” era-esque, but I love it, particularly because it’s fake leather and I actually like fake leather (no cow’s blood on my fashion behalf, please). I also love the blue shirt and green pants combo because it reminds me of a church-going Bible-belter, a throwback to my spiritually rigid upbringing. Ahh, nostalgia!

I feel as if I’m rambling, I look disheveled and I’d rather be thrifting than working right now. Feeling the same, sans the rambling part? Post your “disheveled-chic” thrifted look on our Facebook page, or share on Twitter!

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